Hippe, Nygaard go undefeated in three matches at home quad

Darin Hippe works for a pin for Benson in a match against Quad County during their home quadrangular Jan. 11. Hippe won all three of his matches that day.
The Benson wrestlers had a chance to compete in front of their home fans when they hosted their quadrangular in Benson Jan. 11. The team hosted West Central Area/Ashby/Brandon-Evansville, Quad County and Red Rock Central, earning wins over Quad County and Red Rock Central and losing to WCA/A/BE. The team also traveled to Dawson to compete in the Dawson-Boyd/Lac qui Parle Valley/Montevideo triangular Jan. 12. The Braves were shutout 78-0 against UNITED and dropped a close match 39-28 against Willmar.
Benson 18
The Braves only pulled off three wins all match long against West Central Area/Ashby/Brandon-Evansville to kick off their home quadrangular.
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