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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 777, Benson, Minnesota Monday, August 16, 2021 – 5:30 p.m. Northside Elementary School Cafeteria

The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by Chair Brian Samuelson.  Members present:  Brian Samuelson, Bill McGeary, Eric Peterson, Gary Williams, Paul Carruth, Mary KW Langan and James Berens.  Members absent:  None.  Also present: Dennis Laumeyer, Mike Knutson, Garrett Schmidt, Katie Foley, Lori Eix, Jason McVinua, Karen Jacobson, Leslie Honebrink, Tracy Wolter, Amanda Holmquist, Julie Loen (virtually), Dave Hafvenstein (virtually).
No Additions to the Agenda.
Agenda approved.
Citizens Comments:  Leslie Honebrink commented on the draft of the MDE Social Studies Standards.
Consent Agenda approved.
Progress Reports presented by administrators.
Board Committee Reports:  The Negotiations Committee report will be presented during closed session.
Strategic Planning:  Minnesota River Valley Education District (MRVED) Director Karen Jacobson presented a draft community strategic plan survey.  A discussion was held.  Karen will make the recommended changes to the survey.
Approved authority to Supt. Laumeyer to review the survey changes and approve the community strategic plan survey.
MRVED Flexible Learning Year (FLY):  Approved joining other MRVED schools for a three-year FLY application to MN Department of Education.
Return to School Plan approved.
2021-2022 PK-5 Student Handbook approved.
2021-2022 6-12 Student Handbook approved.
Property/Liability Insurance:  Accepted the property/liability insurance bid of $68,436 from Wright Specialty for the 2021-2022 school year.
2021-2022 MSHSL Application for Dissolution of Cooperative Sponsorship – Boys Hockey:  Dissolved the current Boys Hockey Cooperative Sponsorship which includes Morris, Benson, Herman-Norcross, Chokio-Alberta, Wheaton and West Central Area.
2021-2022 MSHSL Application for Cooperative Sponsorship – Boys Hockey:  Approved application for a new Boys Hockey Cooperative Sponsorship with the MSHSL to include Morris, Benson, Herman-Norcross, Chokio-Alberta and Wheaton.
Student Transportation: Approved Resolution 2021-05 – Regarding Student Transportation and the Extracurricular Driving Permission Form.
Donations Approved:  Paul Kittelson Scholarship:  $500 Jan Kittelson; Northside Rec Area Grant:  $7,468 Benson Area Community Fund; Smart Room Grant:  $1,500 Benson Area Community Fund; Angel Fund:  $50 Holly Kolander; Weightroom:  $500 Midwest Machinery; $500 Antolick Construction; $1,000 Dr. Anthony Hilleren, DDS; $1,000 Tom’s Service; $1,000 Ascheman Oil; $1,000 Benson Hockey Association; $2,000 Benson Civic Center; $2,000 CNH; $1,500 Custom Roto Mold; $500 Olson/Zielsdorf Auction & Real Estate.
Future Meetings:
Regular School Board Meeting – Monday, September 13, 2021, 5:30 p.m., Northside Elementary Cafeteria
The board went into closed session at 7:50 p.m. for purposes of conducting employee negotiations strategy.
The closed session ended at 8:13 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Mary KW Langan, Clerk

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