MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 777, Benson, Minnesota Monday, May 10, 2021 – 5:30 p.m. – Northside Elementary School Cafeteria
The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by Chair Brian Samuelson. Members present: Paul Carruth, Mary KW Langan, Brian Samuelson, Bill McGeary, Eric Peterson, Gary Williams and James Berens. Members absent: None. Also present: Dennis Laumeyer, Mike Knutson, Garrett Schmidt, Katie Foley, Lori Eix, Julie Loen, Amanda Carruth, Kendra Razink, Shelly Vergin, Reed Anfinson.
No additions to the agenda.
Agenda approved.
No Citizens Comments.
Consent Agenda approved.
Progress Reports presented by the administrators.
No Board Committee reports.
Finance Director Katie Foley shared the preliminary FY22 budget.
Facility Use Agreement approved.
500 Series Policies 514, 515, 515 FRM,516, 517, 518, 519, 520 approved based on changes recommended by MSBA to meet law.
Graduating Senior Student Band and Choir Accounts: approved to override the current policy and provide a refund to parents of seniors who are currently enrolled in a band and/or choir course and have funds in their account(s) between $50 and $500.
Approved the Band and Choir Fundraising Policies as presented.
Supt. Laumeyer and School Nurse/COVID-19 Coordinator Julie Loen have been looking into options to conduct in-school, on demand, COVID-19 testing.
Swift County Fair booth reservation approved.
Donations Approved: Tom Petersen Scholarship: $500 Rose Anne Petersen; Northside Elementary: $9.71 CNH Industrial; Miles Staton Scholarship: $50 Lynette Stende, $50 Jake & Brittney Schwendemann, $100 Bob Lee & Family, $100 Carlton & Artis Ohmacht, $150 Greg & Julie Zniewski; Food Service Angel Fund: $300 Anonymous.
Future Meetings:
Regular School Board Meeting – Monday, June 21, 2021, 5:30 p.m., Northside Elementary Cafeteria
Meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m.
Mary KW Langan, Clerk