MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION SCHOOL BOARD MEETING INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 777, Benson, Minnesota Monday, August 2, 2021 – 5:30 p.m. Northside Elementary School Cafeteria
The work session meeting was called to order at 5:33 p.m. by Chair Brian Samuelson. Members present: Paul Carruth, Mary KW Langan, Brian Samuelson, James Berens.
Members absent: Bill McGeary, Eric Peterson, Gary Williams. Also present: Dennis Laumeyer, Mike Knutson, Garrett Schmidt, Katie Foley, Tracy Wolter, Karen Jacobson.
Agenda approved.
Chair Brian Samuelson read the 2020-2021 superintendent year-end summary.
The 2021-2022 Return to School Plan was reviewed. The plan recommends masks for unvaccinated staff and students. As required by federal order, masks are required on buses and other school vehicles.
2020-2021 Accomplishments and Goals was presented.
Minnesota River Valley Education District (MRVED) Director Karen Jacobson presented strategic plan information. Karen will bring a draft survey to the August 16th board meeting for review.
Future Meetings:
School Board Meeting - Monday, August 16, 2021, 5:30 p.m., Northside Elementary School Cafeteria
Meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
Mary K.W. Langan, Clerk