By Reed Anfinson Publisher, Swift County Monitor-News
Anyone who watches the news has likely seen coverage in the past year of student protests at one college campus or an
As we weigh the stands of candidates running for Minnesota governor, we see many issues dividing the electorate: taxe
When a reporter covers a public body for a long time, he or she begins to know the issues as well as any elected offi
There is a changing mood in our community. Pessimism is shifting to optimism.
by Reed Anfinson Publisher, Swift County Monitor-News
We are poised on the edge – the edge of a promising future, or the edge of decline.
With each passing month, new research comes out that more definitively links our burning of fossil fuels to a warming
Distance has a way of absolving people of responsibility.
Over the past few weeks, we have heard people talking about reasons why they will not support District 777’s proposed
In the grand scheme of statewide Minnesota politics, do rural voters matter?
Just a few miles north of Benson in Pope County there is a grave marker for Carl Andreas Hiaasen.
In May 2015, following the decisive loss of the Benson Public School’s levy referendum we wrote, “Goodwill, low negat
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