SCBH hears report on OB services
By Reed Anfinson, Publisher
As the Swift County-Benson Hospital (SCBH) Board of Governors weighed the many challenges and requirements for reinstating the delivery of babies, it decided it needed guidance in how to proceed.
To that end, it contracted with Dr. Kathryn Duevel of Health Delivery Science and a long-time Affiliated Community Medical Centers (ACMC)-Willmar obstetrics and gynecology (OBGYN) physician.
Duevel’s role was to not only help the governing board ask the right questions as it deliberates reinstating OB services, but the requirements and steps to follow if it does.
“I really think that the opportunity that you have is unique and challenging,” Duevel told the board at a special meeting last Tuesday night. “I give the board a lot of credit for moving very carefully and thoughtfully about how they want to do this. I also credit Dr. (Matt) Dammeyer for his persistence and his passion. He clearly has this as part of his core. So I hope you guys can find a way to come together on this.”
The meeting was also attended by ACMC medical staff from both Benson and Willmar, hospital nurses, the ambulance service, public health and others interested in the discussion.
SCBH discontinued obstetric services in 2008 after it could no longer safely meet the American College of Gynecology guidelines.
Photo: Dr. Matt Dammeyer (white shirt) wants to see that babies are once again delivered at the Swift County-Benson Hospital. At a special meeting of the hospital board of governors Jan. 28, a report was presented on the challenges and opportunities to restore OB services. Also pictured are hospital CEO Frank Lawatsch, Director of Nurses Melissa McGinty Thompson, and County Commissioner Joe Fox. Fox is also a member of the board of governors.