All members present.
Chairman Fox called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. Also present: County Administrator Kelsey Baker, Terri Orr and members of the public.
Chairman Fox asked if there were any changes to the agenda. There were two additions. A resolution to replace the resolution for Human Services on Opioids. The other addition was to remove the RFP for Prairie Five out of the consent agenda. There were no other changes.
Commissioner P. Peterson moved and Commissioner E. Pederson seconded to approve the amended agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Fox pulled the bid for the RFP for the old Prairie Five building for discussion later in the agenda.
Consider approval of Minutes from November 16, 2021 Regular Meeting.
Consider approval of the Prairie Playhouse Daycare Grant Request.
Consider approval of the standard Annual Human Service Contracts.
Consider approval of CLA 3-year Engagement Letter.
Consider approval of bid for the RFP for the old Prairie Five building.
Consider approval of Solid Waste Abatement.
Consider approval of resolution #21-12-45 to change the date for last board meeting of the year 2021 from December 31st, 2021 to December 30, 2021.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the amended Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner P. Peterson abstained from any discussion for the RFP Bid for Prairie Five.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve the bid of $10,000 to purchase the old Prairie Five building. A lengthy discussion was held. A 3-1 vote with E. Pederson voting no and P. Peterson abstaining.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner E. Pederson seconded to approve Commissioner Warrants and review Auditor Warrants. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner warrants are as follows: Revenue: $229,618.16; Solid Waste Fund: $35,738.73; County Road & Bridge: $22,505.11; County Ditches Fund: $5,793.50; County Health Insurance: $436.00; Upper Minnesota Watershed: $5,579.96; Region 6 West Fund: $21,583.20; School District Fund: $40,321.42; Townships & Cities Fund: $716,593.10 : which includes the following bills over $2,000: 2853 School District Treasurer, $14,298.98; 775 School District Treasurer, $4,053.32; Benson ISD 777, Acct 31127-101, $20,861.01; Bolton & Menk, Inc., $3,850.00; Barry Bouwman, $12,234.00; Central States Wire Products Inc., $2,050.29; Commissioner Of Transportation, $73,865.00; Country Pet Foods, $4,826.74; Dahlberg Sales Inc., $4,699.00; Geyer Recycling, $6,346.00; Glacial Plains Cooperative, $2,594.50; Granicus, $3,531.00; HP Inc., $2,239.57; John Deere Financial, $2,435.14; Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Department., $5,405.87; Kurt Hanson & T& K Kennedy Excavating, $12,920.37; Lincoln National Corporation, $5,077.44; Mid-American Research Chemical, $2,328.17; Minnesota Energy Resources Corp, $3,745.48; Soil Conservation Office, $21,125.00; Sun Life Financial -246468, $2,173.70; Sussner Construction Inc., $60,477.00; Swift County HRA, $46,829.04; Swift County RDA, $38,531.45; Treasurer, Appleton Township, $24,027.99; Treasurer, Benson Township, $19,433.17; Treasurer, Camp Lake Township, $25,306.63; Treasurer, Cashel Township, $27,254.36; Treasurer, City of Appleton, $16,394.42; Treasurer, City of Benson, $23,091.25; Treasurer, City of Clontarf, $11,026.86; Treasurer, City of Danvers, $9,692.22; Treasurer, City of DeGraff, $3,260.52; Treasurer, City of Holloway, $2,715.05; Treasurer, City of Kerkhoven, $7,720.75; Treasurer, City of Murdock, $35,480.82; Treasurer, Clontarf Township, $15,092.90; Treasurer, Dublin Township, $34,432.28; Treasurer, Edison Township, $22,526.48; Treasurer, Fairfield Township, $20,902.59; Treasurer, Hayes Township, $24,349.70; Treasurer, Hegbert Township, $27,533.64; Treasurer, Kerkhoven Township, $25,487.84; Treasurer, Kildare Township, $29,989.71; Treasurer, Marysland Township, $20,378.36; Treasurer, Moyer township, $19,418.14; Treasurer, Pillsbury Township, $28,931.29; Treasurer, Shible Township, $15,198.74; Treasurer, Six Mile Grove Township, $16,750.18; Treasurer, Swenoda Township, $29,693.78; Treasurer, Tara Township, $27,047.48; Treasurer, Torning Township, $28,482.38; Treasurer, West Bank Township, $40,013.39; Upper MN River Watershed District, $5,579.96; Upper MN Valley RDC, $21,583.20; Waste Management of WI-MN, $11,402.71; Dawn Weber, $3,475.00; Yellow Medicine County Jail, $4,177.05.
Commissioner Hendrickx reported on PrimeWest, HOV Park, met with the Mums, RDC 6W Corrections and AMC Conference. Commissioner Rudningen reported on Prairie Lakes Youth Program, Swift Falls Park meeting and AMC Conference. Commissioner E. Pederson reported on DAC, the Historical Society, Extension meeting, JD#9 and Counties Providing Technology. Commissioner P. Peterson reported AMC Conference, Policy Committee, 6W Corrections, HRA and Community Action Council. Chairman Fox reported on AMC Conference, met with the Mums, PrimeWest, Woodland Centers, Chippewa River Watershed, Hospital meeting and JD #9.
Administer Kelsey Baker reported on Policy Committee, AMC Conference, Swift Falls Park meeting, OHV Park, Task Force and Personnel updates.
Chairman Fox asked for citizens comments: There were none.
Environmental Services Director Scott Collins updated the board on the MOCA 2022-2023 Delegation Agreement Work Plan.
KMS Trail Blazers requested approval for Resolution 21-12-44 to maintain the project for phase 1 and approval of pledge funds of $60,000.00 from Swift County.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner Hendrickx seconded the adoption of Resolution 21-12-44 with the typographical change and include support to the KMS Trail Blazers up to $60,000 for local share.
Commissioner Rudningen amended the motion and Commissioner Hendrickx seconded to include committing the $60,000.00 which $30,000.00 will come from the 2021 Board Discretionary Funds and $30,000.00 from 2022 Board Discretionary Funds.
Chair Fox opened the Truth-in-Taxation Hearing at 6:07 PM. with all members present. Also present: County Administrator Kelsey Baker, other county employees and members of the public.
Administrator Kelsey Baker and Auditor Kim Saterbak presented the 2022 Final Levy and Budget overview presentation. Several questions were asked and a lengthy discussion was held.
Chairman Fox asked for public comments: Jeff Martin had concerns with his property taxes and assessment. Also had concerns on housing in Swift County. Board’s recommendation was to talk to the County Assessor for further information and to attend the Board of Equalization meeting.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to close the Truth-in-Taxation Hearing at 6:43 PM. Motion carried unanimously.
The board recessed at 6:44 PM.
The board reconvened at 6:53 PM
Administrator Kelsey Baker requested approving resolution 21-12-46 to make the office of the County Treasure appointed.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner Rudningen seconded to approve Resolution 21-12-46 to make the office of the County Treasure appointed. A lengthy discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Kelsey Baker further requested approval of the Contract with the County Treasurer.
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner Hendrickx seconded to approve the Contract with the County Treasurer. A lengthy discussion was held. Motion carried 4-1 with E. Pederson opposing.
Human Services Director Catie Lee updated the board on the Financial Summary and Human Services update.
Catie Lee further requested approval of the resolution to participate in the multistate settlements relating to Opioid distributors and manufacturers in MN Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement, and declaring support for an amendment to Minn. Stat. 256.043, subd. 3(d).
Commissioner Rudningen moved and Commissioner Hendrickx seconded to approve the resolution to participate in the multistate settlements relating to Opioid distributors and manufacturers in MN Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement, and declaring support for an amendment to Minn. Stat. 256.043, subd. 3(d). A lengthy discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Kelsey Baker and Catie Lee held a discussion on the recommendation from the Policy Committee regarding a Vaccination Mandate Policy, contingent on what the Courts decision is with recommendation from the Policy Committee.
Commissioner Hendrickx moved and Commissioner E. Pederson seconded to approve the recommendation on the discussion from the Policy Committee regarding a Vaccination Mandate Policy, contingent on what the Courts decision is with recommendation from the Policy Committee. A lengthy discussion was held. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7:38 PM.
Joe Fox, Chair
Kelsey Baker, County Administrator